WATCH: Software AG’s Floyd West on API-Led Integration and Why it’s Key to New DOD Data Strategy

WashingtonExec’s Amanda Ziadeh sits down with Floyd West, vice president of the Defense Department for Software AG Government Solutions, to discuss DOD’s data strategy released Sep. 30, 2020, in support of the National Defense Strategy and Digital Modernization, and how API-led integration plays a role. West shares DOD’s vision with the strategy, keys to accomplishing its goals and the challenges DOD has with the vast amount of data and complexity it deals with. West provides insights on how to overcome those obstacles, and the technologies and solutions DOD should consider to enable the data strategy — like API-led integration.


The Forrester Wave™: API Management Solutions

  The right API management platform can make all the difference. It can elevate the customer experience, hypercharge your business agility and accelerate your digital transformation. But with so many vendors to…

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