Easily manage any asset
Manage all your devices from one place, from planning and onboarding, to monitoring and maintenance, through to retirement, using a self-service IoT platform.

Don’t overcomplicate IoT
Manage all your devices from one place, from planning and onboarding, to monitoring and maintenance, through to retirement, using a self-service IoT platform.
Simplify and accelerate device onboarding. Bulk register devices and access key device and sensor information in one place. Configure groups of devices with one click.
Create dashboards that pull together data, so you have a single view of the status of all devices and how your project’s performing.
Update any number of devices efficiently in a controlled, phased way. Remotely configure them, and update software/firmware.
Onboard it, register it, update it, retire it—do it all for your devices with the simplicity of one IoT device management platform. MachNation, an independent firm, cited Cumulocity IoT for “excellent at-scale management of assets” in its device management scorecard. Software AG was the ONLY vendor of the 13 evaluated to attain the LEADING SCORE for integration, lifecycle management and architecture.
Cumulocity IoT is consistently ranked a leader, from device management to the edge.
Key Benefit
What could be simpler than one console to onboard and manage all of your devices? With Cumulocity IoT, you can centralize managing devices and sensors throughout their lifecycle, from monitoring and maintenance, through to retirement using a unified device management tool.
You’ll be able to easily maintain your devices with bulk updates. Keep them running as expected to meet agency requirements.
Software AG offers professional services, training, networking opportunities and ready-to-go partner solutions to help you quickly realize IoT benefits.
May 2021
A study of cost savings & business benefits of Cumulocity IoT
See why Software AG’s Cumulocity IoT tops the chart of 12 IoT device management vendors with top scores in IoT integration, lifecycle management and architecture.
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