Forrester Consulting on the economic impact of IoT

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What if you could get these benefits from your IoT platform?

  • 339% ROI in 3 years
  • $8.1 million in benefits in 3 years
  • <1 year to payback

You can with Cumulocity IoT. These are the measurable benefits found by Forrester Consulting in the Total Economic Impact™ Study of the Software AG Cumulocity IoT Platform.*

If you’re considering whether to build, buy or replace an IoT platform, explore the expected cost savings and business benefits of Cumulocity IoT. Forrester Consulting shares what our interviewed customers say about Cumulocity IoT and how, according to these customers, the platform removes technical complexity so business leaders can focus on business outcomes. Read the report, with our compliments, and get a sharable snapshot of the study’s findings.


Container ship being loaded at docking station

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